My web stats for this year show that over 600 of you visited MWN more than 1,400 times on December 15th (the ice storm that narrowly missed Memphis), which is very close to the same number that visited on February 5th (the day the tornadoes roared through the metro area) and March 7th (in the middle of the 4-7" snow storm)! The total number of visits to MWN for 2008 will approach 26,000 by midnight on January 1, 2009!
As for this blog, this is post #161 of the year. By tomorrow night, the blog will have been seen by about 2,700 visitors since I started keeping stats in late July, with over 4,000 pages viewed. Dec. 15-16 were the two biggest days with over 500 visits during that 48-hour period. Once again, I offer my thanks to you for your patronage and encourage you to pass the word on to your friends, family, and co-workers that and The MWN Blog are two sites that every Mid-Southerner needs to have bookmarked as their source for weather information.
Thanks for a fabulous 2008! I already have some tricks up my sleeves for 2009, so don't go anywhere! Happy New Year!

If you're celebrating your 5th anniversary then you aren't counting the years of Eric's Memphis Weather Page. Congratulations on a great site. I come here everyday...
You're right, sudo. Erik's Memphis Weather Page started way back in the mid'90s. Actually I started my forecasting "service" while I was in college and I graduated in 1997, so that was mid '90s - about when I started the original website. Wow time flies by! Thanks for your continued support, as always!
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