
Saturday, March 13, 2010

Website maintenance on

Cirrus Weather Solutions will be taking the first step in a partial re-vamp of You will see very few "visible" changes to the site itself with this initial step. However, there will be changes to nearly every page's URL (or web address) in that the .html portion of the URL will change to .shtml. This change will allow updates to the static portions of the site (i.e., the page header, footer, menus, etc.) to be made much more easily and enable the site theme to be kept uniform going forward.
What does this mean to you? The main thing will be that if you have bookmarked individual pages of (pages ending in .html), you will need to modify those bookmarks to read .shtml. The rest of the page URL will remain the same. Going directly to the front page of the site ( is certainly the best way to access pages within the site, as the changes being made will be transparent to you.
The website maintenance window will be tonight (March 13) between 9-10pm CST. There could be partial outages of the site during that time. Moving forward, additional changes will be relayed as they are made. Thanks for your continued support and patronage of!

Erik Proseus
Owner, Cirrus Weather Solutions
Webmaster and Forecaster,

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