As the graph above (courtesy NOAA) shows, today (September 10) marks the peak of the average Atlantic hurricane season. To date, we have had 9 named storms and 2 unnamed depressions, 3 hurricanes, and 1 major hurricane. Fortunately, no major systems have made landfall along the U.S. coastline, though T.D. 2 passed through the Rio Grande River Valley, Bonnie brought tropical storm conditions to south FL and its remnants soaked the Gulf Coast, Hurricane Earl grazed the East Coast, and Hermine has brought flooding rains to the south-central U.S.
With dire predictions to start the year and a relatively slow start early, the past month has seen activity increase and the trend seems to be continuing for what will end up being an above-normal season. It remains to be seen exactly what the second half of the 2010 season will bring, but we certainly are far from over. The MWN Tropical page will have details on each storm from formation to dissipation.
thanks, this is so helpful that hopefully i will get the timings right on our holiday to Memphis from London!
Have a great trip to Memphis and a pleasant stay!
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